Saturday, August 14, 2010

Just a little note...

I just posted images on the gallery page of the jewelry I made when I first started my business. You can see I have always had a thing for color and vintage elements. I still love the lucite beads and continue to use them today. My items have gone through some changes. I always new I wanted the color and some type of vintage look or feel whether it just looked "vintage" or it was modern but made with vintage items. So how did I come to my current line from the early pieces? Well, I took some time off...about 6 or more months and totally reevaluated what I wanted to do. I enjoyed these early items but I still felt like there was something missing.  I also wanted to develop a more focused and cohesive product line. I did lots of thinking and remembering. I remembered when I was younger and the creative things I did that I really enjoyed. It was painting and drawing. I'm certainly no master artist but I thought of how I could incorporate that into my jewelry. I decided to make my own pendants and beads and see where that got me.  That's really how it started. And here we are.  I love making these fun little quirky pieces and now they have a little bit of me in them.

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